AD&I Mission: Giving Back on Veteran's Day


In case you did not know,  the dental needs of many veterans are not covered by military benefits. Travis Arrington, who served in the Navy for nearly 30 years, has experienced this personally.  That’s where Dr. Dawson has stepped in as well as many other dentists in the AD&I network.

Dr Dawson Veterans Day, Dentist Career

Meet Dr. Dawson.

The dental needs of many veterans are not covered by military benefits.

“You’re a vet. I’ve got you,” she told him.

Strength of heart, mind and body. It can only be found in the depths of those who are able to look past themselves. Those who, instead, so perfectly envision their brothers and sisters en masse, and selflessly choose to lock hands with them, ever unwavering. Those who stand with a loving shield, a shield that may rescue the many, but forgo the few.

Today we salute our Veterans for their strength. For their sacrifices on behalf of each one of us. We are grateful that our program, in collaboration with Brighter Way Institute, has allowed us to give back, in a small way, by providing millions of dollars of free dental implant, surgical and prosthetic treatments to hundreds of U.S. military veterans.

Medic and Soldier Evacuating Wounded Soldier.

Medic and Soldier Evacuating Wounded Soldier.

Marines Veteran Thomas Gerhart is one of them. In recognition of Veteran’s Day, Gerhart is receiving free dental implants from AD&I affiliated Dentist and Practice Owner, Dr. Akil Alexander in Rochester, MN. Recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, caused by the consumption of contaminated water while he served, Gerhart experiences difficulty swallowing and chewing. Having implants will provide him some relief, allowing him to eat normal foods.

Gernhat having implants will provide him some relief, allowing him to eat normal foods.

“I’ve never had anyone do anything close to this for me, for being a vet. I just can’t find the words to tell you how good I feel about it...I really can’t,” Gerhart said in a recent article by KIMT3 News in Minnesota.

Dr. Alexander is actually providing free dental services for two veterans this Veteran’s Day. These gifts are echoed across the country by other AD&I dentists, including Dr. Jamiah Dawson, a Navy dentist and veteran herself. Dr. Dawson, dentist and practice owner of AD&I in Newport News, VA is providing free dental care for three patients today, including extractions, bone grafting, dentures and implant surgery.

Dr. Alexander is actually providing free dental services for two veterans this Veteran’s Day. These gifts are echoed across the country by other AD&I dentists

The dental needs of many veterans are not covered by military benefits. Travis Arrington, who served in the Navy for nearly 30 years, has experienced this personally.  That’s where Dr. Dawson has stepped in.

“You’re a vet. I’ve got you,” she told him.

Our deepest respect and gratitude to all men and women who have served in our Armed Forces.

We honor you and we thank you for your service.

Dr. Dawson, Dr. Alexander and many other caring people who work at AD&I understand the value of a smile. They get hugs everyday and change lives. See the infographic below that reminds us all about of The Value of a Smile.

Also, learn more about how you can change the lives of Veterans and beyond with a career at AD&I. Click the “Learn More” button below.

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