A Day In The Life: Practice Owner Jase Hackney, DMD, MICOI, FAAIP

Dentist Dr. Hackney using Dental Tool- Careers

A Day In The Life

Practice Owner Jase Hackney, DMD, MICOI, FAAIP

Where 10 Operatories Prove Quite Useful 

Monday through Friday, Dr. Jase Hackney opens the doors to his Tampa, Florida practice at 7:15 a.m. The sunny weather outside is reflected in his sunny demeanor. He is one content, successful and grateful dentist.

Dr. Hackney began his career as a private practice owner, struggling to make ends meet. “It's so hard these days to build up a private practice. A lot of people have this expectation that they'll just hang up a shingle and have a practice,” he says

When an Associate Dentist position at AD&I’s Tampa location opened in 2006, Dr. Hackney jumped on board. Less than two years later, AD&I offered him an opportunity to become the location’s sole practice owner. He had his own practice again, but his lifestyle, both in and outside the practice, was a world away from where he’d been.

Monday through Friday, Hackney walks into his practice fully prepared for what the day will hold. He anticipates impressions, extractions, dentures and implant needs; and that’s it.  “The great thing about being affiliated [with AD&I] is that we do four to five things...and because of that we become really good at what we do.”

Affordable Dentures & Implants practice careers

We get great at what we do.

“The great thing about being affiliated [with AD&I] is that we do four to five things...and because of that we become really good at what we do.”

Dr. Hackney is not solely referring to his own skills, but his staff’s as well. He sees great value in providing his staff with ongoing hands-on training. Not only does this give them a phenomenal skill set, but as they are able to provide more care, so is he. Perhaps the value placed on empowerment and personal growth contributes to the practice’s constant flow of patients. “We always know that we’re going to have patients at the door on Monday.”

And that they do. Every weekday morning, Dr. Hackney is kept quite busy with consultations, new patient exams and impressions. Depending on the day, he may perform a surgery or two in the late morning, while surgeries fill his entire afternoon.

Dr. Hackney is among the over 96% of AD&I practice owners who have reported that since switching from private practice they are able to treat more patients overall. For Dr. Hackney, having 10 operatories comes in handy for the large number of patients he sees. Not to mention the on-site lab, which Dr. Hackney calls “a beautiful thing.” With the on-site lab, a rarity for most dental practices, yet standard for AD&I, nothing is lost in translation.

 “If a patient has particular concerns, it can be hard to convey those concerns through writing on a lab prescription...Instead, my on-site lab manager can just walk in and look at everything with me. Then boom, we're ready to process.”

 Having all hands on deck in one location makes for a smoother process, decreasing the margin for error. And in a world where time is of the essence, an on-site lab is a dream. It allows for same-day services, reduced wait times, the elimination of separate lab appointments and fees, and the opportunity for Dr. Hackney and his team to treat more patients.

And the “patients come first,” Hackney says, confirming his practice motto. That means thoroughly and compassionately hearing them out, addressing any issues or questions that may arise and keeping their schedule on time. “We want to do everything we can to get a positive feeling out there for our patients,” Dr. Hackney states.

By the time 4:30 p.m. rolls around, after Dr. Hackney has met some new patients and created a few new smiles, the practices closes and he hangs up his white coat for the day. He heads to the gym for a workout, then takes in a game; his kids’ t-ball practice. He wraps up his day by going home and having dinner with his family.

He leaves his work at work. There’s no payroll to manage, reports to run, bills to pay. All that would keep him from seeing more patients and spending time with his family is taken care of by AD&I. And he likes it that way.

“Because of the AD&I brand, the business model and guidance we receive from the [AD&I Practice Excellence team], practices are given an opportunity to grow really fast.

Dentist Hackney - Beach family picture

He Leaves his work at work.

There’s no payroll to manage, reports to run, bills to pay. All that would keep him from seeing more patients and spending time with his family is taken care of by AD&I.

Dr. Hackney contributes to that growth as an instructor at Implant Pathway in Phoenix, AZ with Justin D. Moody, one of the most credentialed implantologists in the country. Here he teaches implant placement courses, which, based on Dr. Hackney’s 13 years focused heavily on implant cases, makes him quite the expert. Implants, he says, is his practice’s “bread and butter” specifically the implant retained denture.

Running his AD&I practice for well over a decade now, Dr. Hackney is a steadfast trusted dental fixture in the Tampa area. There is no doubt that his dedication and experience have contributed to where he is today, but he also credits his success to his affiliation with AD&I.

 “With AD&I you have 40 plus years of amazing brand recognition. Having that...means that you constantly have patients that want to come in and see you,” he says.

From there, it’s up to Dr. Hackney and his staff, or any practice for that matter, to demonstrate and hold up AD&I’s solid reputation of delivering professionalism, a smooth comfortable experience, and life-changing results.

The practice’s 10 operatories and a constant flow of patients equate to a comfortable lifestyle for Dr. Hackney, one that leaves him “substantially rewarded financially,” he says and extremely grateful.

 “I’ve never looked back. AD&I is awesome...it’s changed my life, my family’s life. Not only do you get to have this rewarding career in this niche of dentistry but you are helping so many people that may not have anywhere else to go.”

AD&I Practice Owner Jase Hackney, DMD, MICOI, FAAIP, lives in beautiful Tampa, FL with his wife and two children.

Dr. Hackney On-Site Lab Backgound

Never looking back.

 “I’ve never looked back. AD&I is awesome...it’s changed my life, my family’s life. Not only do you get to have this rewarding career in this niche of dentistry but you are helping so many people that may not have anywhere else to go.”

Are you a dentist who is ready to join the AD&I network? Whether you are ready for ownership or interested in being an associate dentist, we have opportunities located nationwide.